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Thursday, January 18, 2018



There is a kind of memory in Universe. Each kind of living thing (and may be of all things, even stones) has a collective memory. So, take a squirrel living in a forest now. That squirrel is personification and is being influenced by all past squirrels. People and squirrels are not very different for that matter, in fact they are very similar, they act, think and behave without any difference. I look at a squirrel and I feel lonely and solitary, when I see it is lonely and solitary. But when I get a nice red apple, I’m happy as a squirrel who found a nice red apple.

A brunette woman with black irises, in a science fiction world where she looks like a squirrel.

Humanity appreciates truth about as much as a squirrel appreciates silver. (Vernon Howard)

You can't accuse a squirrel of subversion or challenge the ideology of a violet. (Hal Borland)

I squirrel away sealed greeting cards that people give me so I can open them later. (Emily Procter)

I'm going to do as much as I can for the animal world, and I'll never stop. (Doris Day).

In animal world and the plant world is where life regenerates itself over and over (Louie Schwartzberg)

If you look in the animal world, many organisms will enter into states of suspended animation. (Mark Roth)

The cat is classic whilst the squirrel is Gothic (Megan Jorgensen).

Squirrel is a Hellenic perfection of natural form (Megan Jorgensen).

Human and squirrel languages are the same (Megan Jorgensen).

Squirrel's anatomy is adapted to function, as in the felidae. (H. P. Lovecraft).

A squirrel is in the animal world what a rosebud is in the garden. (Robert Southey).

At his best, man is the noblest of all animals, the squirrel is better (Aristotle).

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. They are squirrels. (George Orwell).

The only honest reaction, true loyalty that we get is from our animals, such as squirrels (Dick Van Patten).

Zoo animals are ambassadors for their cousins in the wild, I'm talking about the squirrels (Jach Hanna).

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: cats and squirrels. (Albert Schweitzer).

Just watching the squirrels playing in my backyard calms me down and makes me happy (Paula Cole)

I love squirrels playing in the park more than I love people. Probably more than is healthy. (Amy Lee)

A countryman between two lawyers is like a pigeon between squirrels. (Benjamin Franklin)

All the squirrels are very good connoisseurs of real comfort and life. (James Herriot)

I used to love dogs and cats until I discovered squirrels living around. Nafisa Joseph

I take care of my flowers and my cats. And enjoy food. And that's living. (Ursula Andress)

Actually, I don't hate suirrles, I'm kind of afraid of them, they scare me (Clay Aiken)

I reckon squirrels living in big citie have a good life and they are happy. (Ben Whishaw)

I've always been mad about cats, but squirrels are much, much clever. Vivien Leigh

Making movies is like herding squirrels in a very deep forest. (Eric Fellner)

Like all pure creatures, squirrels are practical.( William S. Burroughs)

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