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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Victoria Park II

Victoria Park Pictures

Some emotional responses

You may find some benefit through admiring these pictures and through reading the comments under them. They may assist you in coping during your difficult time...

The death of someone we love can be one of the most difficult experiences of life.

Friends try to comfort us by saying, "you mustn't cry", or, "you must be strong."

Some may even suggest that what has happened is "for the best" for the deceased.

People mean well, but they do not fully understand our feelings.

More than likely, we feel that the worst has happened in our life.

We are struggling to come to terms with everything around us.

We feel as if the world has come to an end, and our life is over.

There is a sense of unreality about the situation, it just can't be.

People would be present, talking with me, but I don't feel anything.

Very few people understand what is normal after a heavy loss.

Some expect us to get over it, over our grief, relatively quickly.

People confuse shock we experience with strength inside us.

We have not learned what to expect after a sudden loss.

We are caught unaware by the avalanche of strong emotions.

Emotions may occur weeks or even months after a funeral.

Very few people understand what is normal after a loss.

Grief is a human response to a significant loss in life.

Grief you are experiencing is not unusual, it's natural.

Grief is the first step on the journey that can lead you back to life.

After your loss, you feel numb, as if your emotions had died forever.

From the beginning, you hardly have any feeling at all, nothing at all.

After a death, our emotions react in a very bizarre way.

You seem to be going through all the motions like a robot.

Numbness can be one way to protect yourself from the pain.

Numbness protects us from the pain until we are ready to deal with the loss.

The sense of shock - everything seems unreal, our emotions react in this way.

It is difficult to accept what's happening, but soon, hopefully, it wears off.

Our grief is nature's way of cushioning the blow.

Nature deadens the pain a little to help us in grief.

Numbness gives us time to absorb the facts, the loss.

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